Tuesday, January 15, 2008

into the piles


I have added more and yet less seems to be apparent... the more I add, the harder it is for me to see what is different? I work for hours putting in shells, piling them, lighting them, turning them around in my hand. I feel like I can’t quite draw them, and my hand feels like a club. I use only mechanical pencils with a #2 graphite, the disposable Bic kind.. The marks feel awkward in the face of this luminous form. When I dig for a definition of the space, the pencil feels like a dental pick. I am sure this imposition is elated to my anxiety regarding my molar that wants to become a crown for $1200. The replica of the forms has a distance that does not easily convey what I see, but records my labour of looking: dissecting the space, ordering the marks, fracturing the forms, selecting the one and then embedding it in the field to relinquish its one ' ness.'
The next morning, all that I have done seems always to have been there, as effortless as breath.
So what am I really doing? I should leave room for speculation..well, that will come in the next series. Maybe that is what I am doing, setting up the question for the next series?

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